Me and two other students worked on a turn-based strategy game as part of a prototype course. The maps were made out of hexagons and were randomly created according to chosen map size.
The idea was that two player battled as Hindu gods, taking over land masses of different types (wood, water and mountains), gaining followers and creating prophets to gain belief.
As part of the assignment we each had to choose one area to make it more accessible. I choose to make the game accessible for blind people and implemented speech when hovering the tiles on the map,
and also a system to choose which naming pattern best suited the player. There were also a function to create your own naming patterns. The course was half speed over 2 months with a lot of focus on writing which left very little time for this project. Approximately
3 weeks of work was put into this. The game was made in Unity
Made with Tilian Sonestedt and Fredrik Åström
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